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parva Hansson

Emersonella parva Hansson, antenna lateral, female.

Emersonella parva Hansson, antenna lateral, male.

Emersonella parva Hansson, head frontal, female.

Emersonella parva Hansson, thoracic dorsum, female.

Original description

Hansson, C. 2002. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 1. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 67:49.




Small species (0.5-0.7 mm); frons with one row of setae situated close to eye margin; malar sulcus present; thoracic dorsum flat; scutellum transverse, 0.7X as long as wide; female with fore and mid femora dark brown, and hind femur yellowish-white; propodeum without anterolateral foveae; fore wing speculum small; both sexes with anterior 1/3 of gaster non-metallic yellowish-white, or female gaster completely dark and male gaster dark with a pale spot anteromedially. Similar to pallidigaster, but smaller in size, with one row of setae on frons close to eyes, with eyes less hairy, and with scutellum more transverse.


Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama.




Depository of primary type

Holotype female in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.